Friday 20 May 2011

Login to Windows Live Messenger using any email account

Everybody has hotmail account, don’t they? I created my first email account in Hotmail 9 Years ago. MSN Hotmail and Yahoo were the heroes of free web mail system at that time, and still they are. Later in 2004, Gmail showed up with large email space capability. The only famous messenger was ICQ. Later Hotmail introduced MSN messenger, now they’ve named itWindows Live Messenger which we are using at the current date.
Since you have lots of email account in several domains, it is necessary to run their own messenger. Try to log in using your Gmail or Yahoo account, messenger will return with 80048821 error saying, Windows Live ID or Password is incorrect, because Gmail is not domain of MSN.
But after following this trick, you won’t have to open install multiple web messengers. Let met guide you how you can access Windows Live Messenger using your own email account which is not a domain of MSN. You’ll be able to login using Gmail, Yahoo or any email account you have.
Go to, after the page is loaded scroll down to Sign up today. As shown in figure, click on Get Started Now link of Use an e-mail address you already have.
Now fill up the form with the email address you want to sign up using Windows Live Messenger and other necessary information and click on Continue button.
In next page, retype the email address as shown in the left.
Now, it will inform you to confirm your account in next page. Click on Continue button.
Now you may close the page.
Next, we’ll need to confirm our mail. They’ll send you a confirmation link in the email address that you’ve specified earlier during form fill up.
Login to your Gmail or any email account using respective domain and look for Verification mail from Windows Live Team.
Read the mail properly and click on the confirmation link
Wait a minute! Confirmation is not over yet, you’ll have to login with the new email addressand password that you’ve filled up earlier in the form.
For the successful confirmation, you’ll be welcomed to this page.
Now try to login using your Gmail or any email account from Windows Live messenger.
Note: If you have not confirmed properly you’ll be notified.
If you see this screen at the top of your Windows Live Messenger, make sure that you’ve confirmed properly.
Hope this tutorial was really helpful to you.

Learn to hack from Real Hacking game for those who want

If you are very new in hacking world, before going to the article, I suggest you to read Learn How To Hack With The Hacker’s Underground Handbook before reading further article.
If you are already known to the hacking world then, welcome to the virtual simulation world of hacking environment.
If you really need some easy platform to practice hacking then I think this article will be a great help for you. Yes I am talking about the real hacking game, Hack The Game.
HackTheGame is a free 1MB file game which will introduce you to the real hacking word.
The real hack able DOS environment makes you feel like that you have finally accessed to US Defense system.
The game becomes much more interesting and fun because of the addition of sounds. The sounds includes typing and several warning announcement.
The user interface of HackTheGame is very friendly and easy. Just open the program and select your language, input any ID you may like.
There are several missions of this game. You’ll get the briefing of each mission in your inbox.
The mail itself includes several hints and processes.
If you find sounds irritating then, you can go to settings menu and disable sounds. But I bet you, enabling sounds makes your game play experience very easy.
I bet you’ll love this game.
No installation is needed to run this game and it is obviously safe to use because it utilizes local files which in game play acts as a remote files. You don’t have to worry about your security. If you doubt it, then play it offline.
This game can be downloaded from here, HackTheGame.

CSS Mouse Hover Tips To Beautify Your Web Templates

Beautiful web template is what everyone expects to have in their site. Moreover making it is much more challenging. Previously websites were designed in tabled form. Later the tabled forms were replaced by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
CSS is the versatile method to design website, while HTML as the platform. Today, for interactive websites, mostly flash based movie files are used. However Flash is not based on any HTML program. Plus, it needs additional plug-in and applets in browser to view the flash based website. This is the main backward feature of flash based websites.
However with the release of new HTML 5 and CSS, it is now possible to achieve interactive websites more versatile than Flash based interactive websites.
Today, in this post, we’ll discuss about few methods that we can apply in HTML and CSS only to achieve highly dynamic and interactive web templates.
Using pseudo classes
CSS pseudo-classes are used to add special effects to some selectors. For example, some popular and widely used pseudo classes are:
:link, :visited, :hover, :active.
Following example demonstrates the use of pseudo class in <a > tags.
a:link {color:#FF0000;}      /* unvisited link */
a:visited {color:#00FF00;}  /* visited link */
a:hover {color:#FF00FF;}  /* mouse over link */
a:active {color:#0000FF;}  /* selected link */
It can also be applied to lists and divisions to add more hover effects to the web page.
For example, the following images shows how it can be applied to divisions to add content highlight effect.
We’ used hover to one of the class for division.
Here is the basic CSS code:
.home {
.home:hover {
And for the HTML part:
Every contents located here will have mouse highlighting effect.
Method to add image link hover effect
Bascially, we apply background image to a:link and another background image to a:hover to have background image hover effect in CSS. It is ok with all of the browsers as most of them supports it.
But incase you are using large size image then you’ll have a problem here. What exactly the above method does is that, whenever the link is in normal state (i.e. mouse is not over the link) the browser will in default load the background image specified in a:link CSS class, but when mouse is hovered over the link, it will load background image from a:hover class. If the image is larger in size then it will take time to load.
Let us discuss alternative method which will load both of the images at the of page load.
Look at the HTML code below:
< a href="link.html">
<img alt="image" src="images/image.png" class="nohover" />
<img alt="imagehover" src="images/image.png" class="hover" />
We have two images inside <a> tag each of the image have specific class defined.
We can hide one of the image when hovering with the help of CSS.

img.nohover {
img.hover {
a:hover img.hover {
a:hover img.nohover {
In above four different CSS functions, at first when no mouse is hovered over the link image, the image defined with class “nohover” will take in action, resulting only one image to be viewed. In other words, one image is set to hidden while other one is set to visible. We do this by the help of display:none;
Now when a link image is hovered, we’ll apply display:none; to the image that must be hidden when hovered. And for the one that must be visible, we’ll apply display:inline;
Copy and try the above codes. Play with it, you’ll learn more when you research it yourself.
This works in all the version of browsers, so you won’t have cross browser compatibility problem.
The rise of CSS3 have made more thing possible, the above tutorial is classified under CSS 2.1 version.
In this way you can utilize the pseudo class hover to make your web page much more user friendly and interactive.

Hacking CSS For Rounded Colors In All Browsers No Images And No Javascript

There are lots of tricks to get rounded/curved corners for our CSS websites. For example, you may want rounded corner for a box. You may easily think of using images and aligning it top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right. It sounds easy, but is way too complicated as we’ll need to create large number of blank divisions. Also another minus point can be, it is little bit harder to crop the exact pixel of the corner. Consequently, we’ll have something irregular display of corners and the plain line.
Also we’ve another technique, border-radius, which is supported from CSS3. But CSS3 is not supported in enemy of web developers, i.e. Internet Explorer. However CSS3 is partially supported in other popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.
The main problem here became the internet explorer. Even Internet Explorer 8 doesn’t support CSS3 rounded corners. However, it is expected in Internet Explorer 9.
Now, instead of trying images and CSS3, we’ll focus on CSS2 as every of the browsers supports it.
Before creating rounded corners we must technically have pixel to pixel knowledge about rounded corners.
Rounded corners are created from pixels. Imagine a bunch of few lines combining to form a rounded corner. To get clearer, refer to following example:
The above illustration is the illustrated microscopic view of rounded corner in raster image.
Again when the lines come closer together, then it looks like this:
Finally when all of the line combines then it gives a pixilated image of rounded corner.
In normal view, a rounded corner will look like the image below:
We are going to work on the same principle.
Assume that you want rounded corner of about 6 pixel, then you’ll need 7 different lines of 1 pixel height with several width.
As you can see the first line illustrated image above, the height is made constant with few gaps and the width keeps increasing by 1px or few more pixels.
For your easy, again refer to following illustration.
The first line is 93px long, and second line is 2px more than first one. After that the width of the line is kept increasing by 1px till it gives 99px.
Note:  For larger radius, you’ll need larger number of lines.
Now we’ll do the CSS trick here which is applicable as CSS2.
We’ll create 6 spans with different classes. We’ll name the class as class1, class2, class3, class 4, class5, class6. And we’ll put each line in each span class. But we are not going to place image, we’ll be instead using background color for each span.
You might question right here, why 6 classes only when we have 7 lines in above image. Well, this is because, the last two lines have similar width and we can set the height to make it as two lines.
Again to define the width of each span, we’ll use margin, where the actual width remains same but the background color will skip the marginal areas. And we’ll again set the height of each span.
OK, now let me show you how this can be accomplished in CSS script.
We will first set default values for all the classes that lies in span.
.class1, .class2, .class3, .class4, .class5, .class6 {
This will make each span as a block instead of inline content and set the overflow hidden.
We’ll now set the width of each line. But we are not using width CSS code as we actually will have dynamic div wrapping this. So we are doing only pixels work here not a line. Therefore, we’ll use margin.
Here is a code for each class,
.class1 {
Margin:0 6px; /* this will make the first line of the rounded corner 6px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class2 {
Margin:0 4px; /* this will make the second line of the rounded corner 4px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class3 {
Margin:0 3px; /* this will make the third line of the rounded corner 6px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class4 {
Margin:0 2px; /* this will make the fourth line of the rounded corner 2px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class5 {
Margin:0 1px; /* this will make the fifth line of the rounded corner 2px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class6 {
Height:2px /* this will double the line */
Margin:0 0; /* this will make the last line of the rounded exactly the maximum width of the wrapper */
Now we’ll be coding for XHTML.
<div class=”outerwrapper”>
<span></span><span class="class2"></span><span></span><span class="class4"></span><span></span><span class="class6"></span>
<div class="content">
Rounded Corner here!!
<span></span><span class="class5"></span><span></span><span class="class3"></span><span></span><span class="class1"></span>
The bottom rounded corner must have reversed order of span class. Like we have class1 then class 2 then class 3 then class 4 up to class 6 for the top rounded corner. We’ll need exactly reverse, class6 then class5 … for the bottom rounded corner.
Finalized style sheet:
.outerwrapper {
Width:960px;  /* whatever width you set here, the rounded corner will automatically adjust itself to it.
.class1, .class2, .class3, .class4, .class5, .class6 {
.class1 {
Margin:0 6px; /* this will make the first line of the rounded corner 6px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class2 {
Margin:0 4px; /* this will make the second line of the rounded corner 4px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class3 {
Margin:0 3px; /* this will make the third line of the rounded corner 6px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class4 {
Margin:0 2px; /* this will make the fourth line of the rounded corner 2px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class5 {
Margin:0 1px; /* this will make the fifth line of the rounded corner 2px smaller than normal maximum line width */
.class6 {
Height:2px /* this will double the line */
Margin:0 0; /* this will make the last line of the rounded exactly the maximum width of the wrapper */
.content {
Apply the above code and see the result in every browser. It is supported in every browser, as we have used nothing complicated here.
Hope this was helpful.

AirCrack 2.1, AirSnort 0.2.6, AeroPeek 2.02

Aircrack ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, Aircrack ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks.
AirSnort is a wireless LAN (WLAN) tool which recovers encryption keys. AirSnort operates by passively monitoring transmissions, computing the encryption key when enough packets have been gathered. 802.11b, using the Wired Equivalent Protocol (WEP), is crippled with numerous security flaws. Most damning of these is the weakness described in Weaknesses in the KeyScheduling Algorithm of RC4 by Scott Fluhrer, Itsik Mantin and Adi Shamir. Adam Stubblefield was the first to implement this attack, but he has not made his software public. AirSnort, along with WEPCrack, which was released about the same time as AirSnort, are the first publicly available implementaions of this attack.
AiroPeek NX captures and decodes packets, with special emphasis on the 802.11 protocol. AiroPeek NX receives all wireless LAN packets based on user settable configuration parameters and stores these packets in memory. For example, you can set a filter to capture all packets, only 802.11 authentication request frames, or all frames except beacons frames. Just about any combination of packet types and protocols are possible.

Free WIFI Software Downloads

Here I present you 2 free WIFI software that can recover WEP, WPA PSK keys and more. Enjoy!

1) WIFI Hacking Software

This tool has many different tools to hack and crack wifi so you can use your neighbours internet and do whatever. Tools for Windows and Linux also some nice extra tools!
Windows : Aircrack, Wireshark, Ettercap, Netstumbler, Airsnare, WIFIfofum, Wdriver, Pong, CommView, Airsnort, AiroPeek, Knsgem 2, Aptools, And A Nice PDF File
Linux Hacks: Airpwn, WEPcrack, Prismstumbler, WIFIscanner, Airfart, Magicmap, WPA-cracker , Wellenreiter , Void, Kismet, Cowpatty, WIFIzoo, And A Nice PDF File

Wednesday 18 May 2011

How To Tell If Someone Has Blocked You From Skype

In this post I will show you simple way to know if someone has blocked you from skype. Just follow steps below.

1) Go to and simply filling out the top of the page.
2 ) Type the screenname, and simply click submit
3) The page will then tell you if your contact is Online or Offline, and you can figure out if they blocked you or not.